Personal injury cover that suits your business
We are the injury management partner of choice for employers and government agencies. For over 110 years Australians have turned to us for our claims expertise and personalised support in helping injured workers return to work.
Our difference is our specialist knowledge and commitment to superior service. We know how important it is to be responsive when you need us and accommodating to your unique challenges. Our people are experts in personal injury claims management and will work with you to effectively manage your premium and claims.
We'll help you improve return to work outcomes, reduce risk, and contain your costs. Your employees will receive the support they need to recover from injury and to get their lives back.
Delivering customer-centric claims management services
Working with our scheme partners, we expertly manage premium and claims and help people recover from workplace injury across Australia.
Choose your state scheme for tailored information and resources.
NSW Nominal Insurer (icare) workers insurance (NSW)
We are an appointed provider of claims management for icare workers insurance.
Our role is to efficiently manage claims to help your workers get back to work as soon as possible. Your employees will receive the support they need to recover from injury and illness and to get their lives back.
icare Insurance for NSW
We understand the diverse support needs of our agency partners. We provide case management services for a range of NSW Government Agencies including NSW Health (Health South), Police and Emergency Services, Department of Premier and Cabinet and Department of Planning.
We have a team of over 140 experienced case managers who provide specialist claims management expertise to optimise work health and safety.
WorkSafe Victoria
As an appointed agent for WorkSafe Victoria, we manage workers compensation insurance and claims.
Learn more about our services and how we can help you.
As an appointed agent for ReturnToWorkSA and as a specialist provider in work injury insurance, our experienced professionals are here to work with you to effectively manage your premium and claims, providing the advice and support needed to help recover from injury.
With a team of more than 60 Mobile Claims Specialists, we provide personalised face to face service and early intervention to help people recover from workplace injury more quickly.
National Self-Insurance
As a national self-insurance partner, we deliver claims management services to employers and their workers across Australia.
With solutions designed to ease the burden of self-insurance administration, the organisations we support can concentrate on their core business.
Federal Self-Insurance
We are the largest workers compensation claims manager in the scheme outside of Comcare. We can provide a streamlined solution for self-insured employers within the Comcare scheme.
We have extensive industry knowledge as claims manager for several self-insured Comcare licensees and we have used this expertise to provide workers compensation guidance to a selection of premium paying agencies.