We are dedicated to helping you get your life back after a workplace injury or illness. Your recovery and wellbeing is our number one priority. Our specialist team of case managers are here to support your injury claims and help you return to health.


Make a claim

To make a claim, phone 1800 469 931 and quote your employer name. 

Alternatively, download the Worker’s Injury Claim form below for your state:

NSW Claim Form

VIC Claim Form

SA - call 1800 MUTUAL (1800 688 825) to speak with a customer service representative.

WA Claim Form

NT Claim Form

QLD Claim Form

TAS Claim Form


Forms can be returned via email to selfinsurance@eml.com.au

Postal address: GPO Box 5287, SYDNEY NSW 2001

F: 02 8002 0560