Report an injury or lodge a new claim


For workers

If you are a Victorian worker, you (or someone on your behalf) must record any injury or illness that might entitle you to compensation in your workplace’s Register of Injuries within 30 days of becoming aware of the injury or illness.

If you want to make a claim for compensation for a work-related injury or illness you can submit your claim online or complete the worker’s injury form – go to claims information for workers | WorkSafe Victoria

Read more about the claims process and what to expect here.


For employers

Work-related injuries and illnesses must be recorded in your workplace’s Register of Injuries. The worker (or someone on their behalf) should complete the Register of Injuries.

When a worker provides a completed claim for compensation for a work-related injury or illness, there are strict timeframes for employers to submit the claim:

  • physical injury: 10 calendar days
  • mental injury or any claim including mental injury: three business days to submit Part A of the Worker’s Injury Claim Form and 10 calendar days to submit Part B.

Complete and send the Worker’s Injury Claim Form, any accompanying Certificates of Capacity and an Employer Injury Claim Report (optional, but encouraged) to EML by one of the following methods

You can also report an injury or lodge a new claim via EMpower, EML’s free online portal which gives you easy, secure access to your claims and policy information. Get started with EMpower here.

Read more about the claims process and what to expect here

You can also contact EML toll free on 1800 365 842.