Your Future Career and Wellbeing, part of the EML Group, is excited to launch the Career Skills for New Jobs Pilot in collaboration with PwC Australia, ReadyTech, Esher House and AbilityMap. This Pilot is a small-scale project that PwC Australia has designed to trial a different approach to helping mature age Australians in South Western Sydney to find sustainable employment – and ultimately reduce their risk of long-term welfare dependence. The Career Skills for New Jobs Pilot is funded by the Department of Social Services’ Try, Test and Learn Fund.
The Pilot will commence 30 September 2019, where Your Future’s experienced career coaches will provide participants with 12 weeks of tailored face-to-face support and online access to a customised career management tool developed by ReadyTech, called CareerTrack. The Pilot will be delivered from two locations in South Western Sydney (Campsie and Liverpool) and will provide tailored, personalised coaching that builds their skills and confidence in managing their career and connects them to additional support services to achieve better outcomes.

Our seven dedicated career coaches and the entire Your Future team, headed by Simon Davidson, General Manager – Your Future Career and Wellbeing, are committed to helping older people build new skills and confidence in managing their own career.
The Your Future team is proud to be a part of this exciting Pilot and is looking forward to sharing the outcomes with you in the near future.
For more information, please visit