EML is excited to be collaborating with Cancer Council in 2025, proudly funded by the Mutual Benefits Program.

Cancer Council is Australia’s leading cancer charity, and the only Australian charity working across every aspect of every cancer, from research to prevention and support, across every state and territory.

This collaboration will provide EML Group customers and their employees the opportunity to engage with Cancer Council on a variety of projects and events throughout 2025 and access valuable information, training and resources.

Of particular focus will be outdoor worker sun protection and strategies to prevent injury with the development of a valuable resource tool for all employers.

Australia leads the world in skin cancer rates, with over 95% caused by solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Outdoor workers are at greater risk of developing skin cancer than indoor workers as they’re exposed to up to 10 times more UV compared to indoor workers. It is estimated that around 200 melanomas and 34,000 non-melanoma skin cancers per year are caused by occupational exposures in Australia.*


Cancer Council wishes to remind Australians who work outdoors to use all five forms of sun protection everyday, regardless of the UV levels: Slip on protective clothing, Slop on broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF 50 or SPF 50+ sunscreen, Slap on a broad-brimmed hat, Seek shade and Slide in sunglasses.

Now more than ever, it is important workers who spend the day outdoors reduce their risk of developing skin cancer by:

  • wearing UPF 50+ sun-protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats or hard hats with brim attachments
  • applying SPF 50 or 50+ sunscreen regularly,
  • seek shade, and
  • for workplace leaders to ensure their workers are provided an environment to support them be sun safe.


Special screening

Take advantage of a special screening of Conquering Skin Cancer. For every body under the sun. https://conqueringcancercampaign.com/conquering-skin-cancer/ . This is an inspiring documentary that showcases the preventable nature of Australia’s most common cancer. It features the stories of survivors, celebrities and industry world leaders including Hugh Jackman, Cate Campbell, Deborah Hutton, and Australians of the Year Georgina Long & Richard Scolyer.

Watch the trailer here

The film is being screened in cinemas in 30 locations across the country from December 2024. Click here to see cinema locations and dates (including an upcoming session championed by Cancer Council in Cremorne, Sydney on Wednesday 5 February) and learn about how you can host a session.



Use this checklist to plan a SunSmart outdoor event and help staff, volunteers and participants to stay sun safe on the day.


Contact Cancer Council

Cancer Council are there to help if you are seeking information or support. Click here for General Enquiries.


Learn more about EML Group Partners and Sponsorships

Learn more about other significant EML Group partners and sponsorships here.


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The EML Group is made up of a group of companies owned and operated by a partnership between Employers Mutual Limited ABN 67 000 006 486 and ASWIG Management Pty Limited ABN 52 002 617 012, providing personal injury claims management and administrative services to government and non-government entities across the workers compensation, life insurance and accident industries.

Employers Mutual Limited (ABN 67 000 006 486) is a mutual company owned by its members. The Mutual Benefits Program is funded by Employers Mutual Limited. Employers Mutual Limited is proudly part of the EML Group.

The information contained on this article has been prepared for general information only. It has not been prepared for any person's individual circumstances and is not intended to be legal, medical or workplace health and safety advice. EML takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any information included in the material provided.