Knowing what to do when your employee has been injured and lodges a workers’ compensation claim can be confusing, but EML are here to help. We have developed a series of short, animated videos to explain the claims process and how to support your employee during, what can be, a difficult time.

The series consists of eight videos where we cover various topics such as: what happens after a claim is submitted; understanding how weekly payments are calculated; and returning your employee to work.

We tested the videos with a range of businesses of different sizes to ensure they hit the mark and the response was overwhelming positive.

Having the right information at the start means that EML can work with you and your injured employee better, to help them recover and return to work as soon as possible.
Whether the injury is physical or mental, it’s important to communicate openly and with empathy – this helps your employee to recover more quickly and supports a positive workplace culture for the business.

Watch: Preventing injury in your workplace

Watch: My employee is injured, or there has been a near-miss

Watch: About lodging a workers compensation claim

Watch: What happens after a claim is submitted

Watch: Returning your employee to work

Watch: Working with your EML Mobile Claims Specialist

Watch: Weekly payments

Watch: The importance of communication