What is EMLplus?

EMLplus is a claims management solution for Accident & Health Insurance, under EML Solutions Pty Limited, with the ‘plus’ referring to additional service provision and employer support to include Account Management and consolidated reporting and analytics. Our model offers a standalone approach to claims management, whilst also accommodating and supporting integration within EML workers compensation jurisdictions where possible.

EMLplus was established to reflect EML’s diversification into new personal injury markets to support our overarching vision of helping people get their lives back – regardless of the associated line of insurance coverage.

We partner with a number of Accident & Health Insurers to support Australian businesses in managing non-work-related illness and injury. EMLplus provides a holistic view of people risk and simplifies how employers manage people insurance and claims by mirroring existing injury management capabilities which exist in the workplace. EMLplus minimises the complexity of managing multiple insurance products, ultimately reducing administrative costs and helping eliminate instances of duplication in cover and inefficiency at claim time.

Claims management

EMLplus offers superior claims handling for personal accident and sickness claims through a disciplined, proactive and customer-centric approach.

  • Our approach offers a more comprehensive and proactive commitment to claims management. We challenge the traditional administrative approach, by incorporating the rigor of other personal injury markets to support employees in their recovery
  • Our specialist personal injury focus is a point of difference within Accident & Health Insurance. We utilise our national scale, networks and expertise to benefit claim outcomes
  • We leverage portfolio insights and specialist knowledge from our personal injury lines to shape our approach to specific injury and illness profiles, including musculoskeletal, mental health and terminal cancer claims
  • Our Case Managers operate with reduced claims portfolios, enabling them to provide dedicated attention to every claim
  • Our discipline with claims administration processes mitigates claims cost leakage, calculating payments correctly and accurately throughout the process

Tailored and consolidated claims reporting

When an overview of claims performance is required for a policy, standard industry practice is to provide brokers with a claims bordereau. This offers a basic snapshot of claims to date along with the total costs incurred – essentially a list with minimal metrics. Rarely is a regular report provided that enables a more holistic analysis of claims performance.

EML has utilised the disciplines of our workers compensation actuarial insights and applied these to personal accident and sickness claims, to provide greater visibility of trends, themes and overarching portfolio performance.

We produce detailed performance reports that provide greater trend analysis. Where EML also manages a client’s workers compensation, we will integrate Accident & Health and workers compensation data sets to provide a single line of sight in the management of total people risk.

Success stories

Reducing costs through claims leakage

We bring the disciplines and governance of our workers compensation experience to our Accident & Health claims management approach. This has delivered significant savings to individual policyholders, by ensuring weekly entitlements are calculated accurately. Our triage process includes a robust review of past earnings to ensure that weekly benefits are calculated accurately and to reflect entitlements outlined in the policy schedule.

In one specific example, our triage intercepted an incorrect calculation of earnings to include overtime and bonuses. Our engagement with the policy-holder allowed us to revise the weekly benefit calculation accurately and as a result, we saved weekly claims costs amounting to $600 per week/$2,400 per month.

Personalised care and support

When the prognosis for a worker is not positive and getting back to work isn’t an option, compassion is what comes to the fore. This was the case for Olivia, Case Manager for James*, a 60-year-old full-time employee and life-long smoker. James was diagnosed with lung cancer in late 2017. His specialists advised him that his condition was both incurable and terminal.

Without a support network of family and friends close by, James became withdrawn and socially isolated. He wasn’t interested in how Olivia could help him and was suspicious, guarded and unresponsive.

Learning from experience that ill and injured workers are often scared and confused because the process is new to them, Olivia challenged herself to win his trust. She was persistent, spent time listening to his concerns and showed she was there to support him in any way she could.

When James underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Olivia studied how he responded to the treatment and adapted her services accordingly. She checked on him during key stages and requested updates directly from James’ treatment providers, to reduce the stress of him explaining everything to her.

She found out what supportive social services he was receiving to make sure he was being assisted in every way possible and identified other support services available across NSW that James might qualify for.

On finding that his monthly benefit payments did not best serve his circumstances, with his permission she changed the payment schedule to better suit his needs.

As trust grew, she assisted him with setting short-term goals. On finding that he wanted to travel, Olivia visited a travel agency and brought back brochures to assist him in his plans.

Along the way, Olivia continued to keep the broker and his employer up to date with payments and claim updates via phone and email.

James now enjoys her calls and being able to speak to someone he trusts about his treatment, his concerns and his goals.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

EMLplus Privacy Statement EMLplus Family Violence Policy

Get in touch


1800 469 931 (toll free)

Information on Interpreting and/or Teletypewriter services

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
Translating & Interpreting Services
National Relay Service
If you are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, the National Relay Service (NRS) can help you.
National Relay Service
Making a Complaint
Information on making a complaint
View our Complaints Information Brochure

Claims Management Services for EMLplus are provided by Employers Mutual Management Pty Limited ABN11 001 735 191 (AFSL 530878) and Employers Mutual Limited ABN 67 000 006 486