The EML Group is made up of a group of companies owned and operated by a partnership between Employers Mutual Limited ABN 67 000 006 486 AFSL 530875 and ASWIG Management Pty Limited ABN 52 002 617 012, providing personal injury claims management and administrative services to government and non-government entities across the workers compensation, life insurance and sickness and accident industries.
Employers Mutual Limited is a mutual, is owned by its members and is the APRA regulated general insurer providing the Mutual Benefits Program within the EML Group.
EML Solutions Pty Limited ABN 77 613 902 346 AFSL 530877 and any subsidiaries under that company are a part of the EML Group that provides claims management and administrative services across the following personal injury claims areas including federal and state-based workers compensation self-insurance, life insurance, general insurance – CTP and sickness & accident.
EML Management Pty Limited ABN 45 667 001 710 and any subsidiaries under that company are a part of the EML Group that provides claims management and administrative services under government workers compensation schemes. This includes:
EML NSW Limited ABN 52 003 201 885 for the Nominal Insurer (icare) and for certain NSW government agencies (Insurance for NSW);
EML VIC Pty Limited ABN 93 606 104 910 for Worksafe Victoria;
Employers Mutual SA Pty Limited ABN 48 145 330 543 for the ReturntoWorkSA scheme; and
EML National Pty Ltd ABN 23 923 166 503 for the Comcare scheme, as the reserve workers compensation claims management service provider.
The EML Group consists of other companies and brands such as Hospitality Industry Insurance Limited ABN 34 124 091 470 (HII), a specialised workers compensation insurer for the hospitality industry in New South Wales and Trinity Insurance, a specialised workers compensation insurance provider for the Roman Catholic Church and in its religious institutions in New South Wales.