We are here to help you recover and get your life back after a workplace injury or illness.

Our experienced NSW-based team are experts in supporting and guiding you through the workers compensation process. We know that recovering from a workplace injury or illness can look different for everyone. That’s why we treat you as an individual. No matter how big or small your workplace injury or illness is, you deserve the care and support of a dedicated case manager.

With low caseloads, our case managers are always there to support you every step of the way as you return to health and work quickly and safely.

We believe that everyone should be treated with honour, dignity and respect. We have the customer at the heart of everything that we do. In fact, we are guided by three key customer commitments:

  • We will listen
  • We will work with our customers
  • We will guide

To find out more about our customer commitments and our service standards, click here.

Remember, your case manager is only ever a phone call or email away!


Important information   

What to do if you are injured at work

If you are injured at work, it’s important to tell your employer immediately. They should provide first aid if it’s appropriate, and help you seek medical treatment. Your employer should also notify us about the incident within 48 hours.

You or your representative may also report the injury or make a claim using one of the methods below:

icare’s online portal: Preliminary information | icare (nsw.gov.au)

Phone: 133 365 (Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm, closed public holidays)

Download the Injured Person Lodgement form (PDF) and email: emlnewclaims@workerscomp.nsw.gov.au

To make a claim, you need to provide medical evidence that you suffer from an injury or illness as a result of your employment. 

If you need time off work to recover from your injury, see a doctor and ask them to complete a Certificate of Capacity (see below).

Keep any bills or receipts for treatment and please contact us on 133 365 to confirm if your treatment requires pre-approval.

What happens after my injury is reported?

Claim number

When your injury has been reported, we will give you a claim number (sometimes referred to as a reference number). This number will appear on all correspondence relating to your claim. Please note down this number and quote it to your doctor and any treatment providers.


Within 3 business days of being notified of your injury, your dedicated case manager will call you, your employer, and if necessary, your doctor. During this phone call, your case manager will introduce themselves, gather more information about yourself and your injury, and see how they can best support your recovery. They will also provide you with their direct phone number and email address so you can contact them directly.

Within 7 calendar days of being notified of your injury, your case manager will provide further information about what wage payments you may be entitled to if you need time off work or are working reduced hours. They will also explain what medical or rehabilitation services you are entitled to, as well as the next steps to be taken.

Ongoing management of your claim

Your case manager will keep in regular contact with you to support your recovery and return to work. If you have any questions or anything to discuss with your case manager, they will be more than happy to receive a phone call or email from you.

What can be covered under workers compensation?

A workplace injury or illness may be physical or psychological in nature.

Depending on your individual circumstance, you may be entitled to*:

  • Weekly wage payments to cover loss of earnings if you need to take time off work to recover
  • Reimbursement for reasonable medical, rehabilitation, and travel expenses
  • Lump sum payments (in the case of permanent impairment)

*Financial limits apply

Certificate of Capacity

When you suffer a workplace injury or illness, your doctor will complete a Certificate of Capacity.

What it is

The Certificate of Capacity will outline important information about your injury to help keep everyone informed, including:

  • Your diagnosis
  • Medical treatment you need
  • Your capacity for work (including how much and what type of duties)

Where to sign

Please sign the consent section of the Certificate of Capacity to allow for communication between your case manager, doctor, treatment provider, employer, and any workplace rehabilitation provider about your injury.

Please also sign the employment declaration concerning any other form of paid employment, self employment, or voluntary work that you have been engaged in.

What to do next

1.Scan or take a photo of your Certificate of Capacity.

2.Once you have been given a claim number, either upload your Certificate of Capacity to the portal here or email it to your case manager.

3.Provide a copy of your Certificate of Capacity to your employer.

Why it is important to send us your Certificate of Capacity

Sending your Certificate of Capacity as soon as possible helps us make a liability decision on your claim and better understand how to support you moving forward.

Providing your employer with a copy of your Certificate of Capacity will help them understand your injury and how they can support your recovery and return to work.

What to do ongoing

Except in special circumstances, your Certificate of Capacity should not cover more than 28 days. It is your responsibility to always have a current Certificate of Capacity to continue to receive any weekly benefits and treatment services you are entitled to.

How to contact us or provide feedback about your claim

Your case manager is your first point of contact if you have feedback, an enquiry or complaint. Otherwise, please see the contact details below:


Phone: 133 365 (Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm, closed public holidays)

Email: emlclaims@workerscomp.nsw.gov.au and cite your claim number in the subject line

Post: Locked Bag 2099, North Ryde BC, NSW 1670


If you require further assistance in relation to your claim or a decision notice, contact icare’s Customer Service Centre on 13 44 22

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)

If further assistance is required, contact the State Insurance Regulatory Authority’s (SIRA) Customer Service Centre on 13 10 50

Independent Review Office (IRO)

The Independent Review Office (IRO) provides an independent complaints solution service for workers who are unhappy with a decision made by their insurer. IRO also provides funding for legal advice. For more information or to make a complete, contact IRO:

Phone: 13 94 75

Website: iro.nsw.gov.au

Email: contact@iro.nsw.gov.au


Click here for more information on the options available to help resolve disputes about personal injury claims.

When you've been injured at work

icare forms

Find important forms such as EFT claims forms, injured person lodgement form and permanent impairment claim forms.

icare portal - injury notification

Access the portal to report an injury or make a claim.

icare portal - update your claim

Upload your supporting documents such as a Certificate of Capacity through icare's portal.