Personal injury cover that suits your business
Our difference is our specialist knowledge and commitment to superior service. We know how important it is to be responsive when you need us and accommodating to your unique challenges. Our people are experts in personal injury claims management and will work with you to effectively manage your premium and claims.
We'll help you improve return to work outcomes, reduce risk, and contain your costs. Your employees will receive the support they need to recover from injury and get their lives back.
Learn more
Want to register your business or transfer a policy?
Register your businessYou can apply online to register your business.
To speak to someone about registering a policy or discuss a matter relating to a current policy please call 03 7000 0950.
Fill out the transfer form and return it to to transfer your policy.
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to talk to someone, contact Nguyen Tran, our National Manager for Growth and Distribution, or Travis Kennedy, our State Relationship Manager who can assist you with your queries.

Nguyen Tran, 0466 464 712

Travis Kennedy, 0421 787 877
Claims & Return to Work
Contact for claims and return to work support
1800 365 842 (toll free)
Contact for all new claims
Lodge a claim
Step 1 – Ask your worker to complete a worker's injury form or they can lodge a claim online. Find out more: online claims information for workers | WorkSafe Victoria
Step 2 – You should then complete an Employer Injury Claim Report (optional, but encouraged)
Step 3 - Lodge the worker's claim and your employer report. You can submit them online, go to online claims information for employers | WorkSafe Victoria or email/mail them both to EML.
Note: Worker claims for compensation must be lodged with EML no later than 10 calendar days after receipt for a physical injury and three business days for a mental injury.
Videos to help understand the claims process
We’ve created a series of short, animated videos to help employers understand the Victorian workers compensation claims process and help their injured employees to return to work sooner. Watch the videos here.
WorkCover Insurance
Register for Insurance
You can apply online or complete the form below and return it to our Premium Services team.
Renewing your WorkCover Insurance
We know it can be difficult for some employers, particularly small and medium sized businesses, to renew their WorkCover insurance policy.
To help, we’ve created an interactive video which can be personalised for each employer, featuring the data used to calculate their premium.
Obtain a Certificate of Currency
Download the Certificate of Currency form below from WorkSafe Victoria’s website. Or to request a copy, email your details to
Add a workplace to a WorkCover Insurance Policy
Download the form below from WorkSafe Victoria’s website. It should be completed by an employer who becomes the occupier of a workplace which is not included under their WorkCover Insurance registration.
Transfer a policy
When transferring your policy to EML you will automatically become a member and enjoy a range of benefits including free online training.
Download the form below and return to
Contact Premium Services
GPO Box 4695, Melbourne VIC 3001
Report an incident
Employers are required to immediately notify WorkSafe Victoria of a serious incident on 13 23 60 and in writing within 48 hours by completing a Serious Incident Notification Form. Learn more about your legal duties to report an incident and how to do this. View the incident notification form below.
Go to form
Register an injury
Complete a Register of Injuries form to keep a record of the injuries in your workplace.
Go to form
Free online portal
Secure online access to your claims and policy information with EMpower.
Find out more
Useful resources and forms
Posters, forms and updates to help you meet your workers compensation and work health safety responsibilities.
Find out more
Mutual Benefits
Find out all the ways you can benefit from being a customer of EML.
Find out more
To speak to someone about registering a policy or discuss a matter relating to a current policy please call 03 7000 0950.