EML Group respects our relationship with the natural environment and its ecosystems.

We acknowledge the adverse impacts that human activity can impose and recognise that action is needed to prevent further degradation of those natural systems.

EML Group commits to the following principles and practices:

  • Monitoring and managing our environmental performance and implementing ways of working that minimise adverse environmental impacts.
  • Reducing the consumption of natural resources in daily operations, including water, paper and energy.
  • Maximising the recycling of resources by disposing of waste appropriately, including e-waste.
  • Minimising pollution by taking steps to limit carbon emissions resulting from vehicle and air travel.
  • Encouraging suppliers to meet EML Group’s standards of environmental performance, and prioritising those suppliers that can demonstrate that they do so.
  • Complying with relevant Australian Commonwealth, State and Local environmental policy, practices, regulations and legislation, and industry-specific legislation.
  • Communicating this policy to all employees, contractors and other stakeholders, as well as making this policy available to the general public.